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发布时间:2021-03-15  发布者: 点击阅读数:

李思悦:男,博士,教授,博士生导师。入选中国科学院“有关人才计划(A类)”(2014年),重庆市高层次人才第三类(2019年),重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选(2019年),湖北省“有关人才计划”入选者(2021),5822yh银河国际第三层次人才(2020年)。兼任中国科学院水库水环境重点实验室副主任,国家自然科学基金函评专家、国家科技奖励-自然科学奖函评专家、云南省科技奖励评审专家、重庆市科技专家库成员、重庆市地理学学会理事。2008年6月博士毕业于中国科学院武汉植物园,获生态学博士学位,2008年9月晋升为副研究员。2010年至2015年分别在National University of Singapore, Singapore和Southern Cross University, Australia从事博士后研究。研究领域为流域生态学、水环境地球化学、环境科学。主要研究重要生源要素输运模拟及控制机理,河流-水库生物地球化学过程和界面温室气体释放,流域水质演变和生态水文过程,服务流域水环境安全及长江经济带建设国家战略。先后主持中国科学院有关计划(A类)”择优项目、国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目、中国科学院青年创新促进会、中国科学院重点部署项目子课题项目等。发表研究论文100余篇;在Global Change Biology, WaterResearch, Journal of Hazardous Materials, BioScience, Journal of Hydrology, Catena,Science of the Total Environment, Nature等国际重要期刊上发表SCI论文86篇(第一/通讯作者67篇),SCI论文引用3000多次,ESI高被引论文5篇,热点论文1篇;获湖北省科技进步二等奖及三等奖各1项。         
















2013/01-2016/01,Postdoc Research Fellowin Southern Cross Geoscience, SouthernCross University, Australia         

2010/01-2012/12,ResearchAssociate in National University of Singapore, Singapore        




1. 南水北调中线工程水源地水环境及保护技术研究、湖北省科技进步二等奖、2015.12、排名第二、共10人

2. 湖北省有关人才计划(2020)

3. 中国科学院有关计划(A类)(2014)”

4. 重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选(2019年)

5. 重庆市高层次人才第三类(2019年)

6. 中科院重庆绿色智能技术研究院优秀研究中心负责人(2018、2019年度)

7. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员(第一批会员:2011-2014)         


1. Tang, W., Xu, Y.J.,Li, S.Y..2021.Rapid urbanization effects on partial pressure and emission of CO2 in threerivers with different urban intensities.Ecological Indicators 125,107515.         

2. Ma, Y.M., Mao, R.,Li,S.Y.,2021. Hydrological seasonality largely contributes toriverine dissolved organic matter chemical composition: insights fromEEM-PARAFAC and optical indicators.Journal of Hydrology595, 125993.

3. Ni, M.F., Ge, Q.S.,Li,S.Y., Wang, Z.K., Wu, Y.J., 2021. Trophic state index linked to partialpressure of aquatic carbon dioxide in atypical karst plateau lake.EcologicalIndicators120, 106912.

4. Parhizkar, M.,Shabanpour, M., Lucas-Borja, M.E., Zema, D.A.,Li, S.Y.,Tanaka, N.,Cerda, A., 2021. Effects of length and application rate of rice straw mulch onsurface runoff and soil loss under laboratory simulated rainfall.InternationalJournal of Sediment Research

5. Luo, J.C.,Li, S.Y.,2021. Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in a monsoonal headwaterstream, China: insights for structure, source and riverinepCO2.Journal of Cleaner Production282, 124545

6. Ni, M.F., Jiao, S.H.,Li,S.Y.,2020.Spectroscopic indices trace spatiotemporal variability of dissolved organicmatter in a river system with Karst characteristic.Journal ofHydrology590, 125570.        

7. Ma, Y.M.,Li, S.Y., 2020. Spatial and temporal comparisons of dissolvedorganic matter in river systems of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region usingfluorescence and UV-Visible spectroscopy.Environmental Research189,109925.

8. Zhang J,Li, S.Y.,Jiang CS. 2020. Effects of land use on water quality in a River Basin (Daning)of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China: Watershed versus riparian zone.EcologicalIndicators113, 106226.

9. Ni MF,Li, S.Y.,2020. Optical properties as tracers of riverine dissolved organic matterbiodegradation in a headwater tributary of the Yangtze.Journal of Hydrology582, 124497

10.Li, S.Y.,Luo JC, Wu DS, Xu YJ. 2020. Carbon and nutrients as indicators of dailyfluctuations ofpCO2and CO2flux in a riverdraining a rapidly urbanizing area.Ecological Indicators109,105821(高被引论文).

11.Ni MF,Li, S.Y.,Santos IR, Zhang J,Luo JC, 2020.Linking riverinepCO2toDOM optical properties in a Dry-hot Valley Region.Science of the Total Environment704,135353.

12. Ni MF, Luo JC,Li, S.Y.,2020.Dynamic controls on riverinepCO2and CO2outgassing in the Dry-hot Valley Region of Southwest China.AquaticSciences82, 12.

13. Luo JC,Li, S.Y.,Ni MF, Zhang J. 2019. Large spatiotemporalshifts of CO2partial pressure and CO2degassing in amonsoonal headwater stream.Journal of Hydrology 579, 124135

14. Ni MF,Li, S.Y.†, 2019.Biodegradability of riverine dissolvedorganic carbon in aDry-hot Valley Region: Initialtrophiccontrols and variations in chemical composition.Journal of Hydrology574, 430-435.         

15.Li SY, Mao R, Ma Y, Sarma V.V. S. S. 2019. Gastransfer velocities of CO2in subtropical monsoonal climate streamsand small rivers.Biogeosciences16, 681-693.

16.Ni MF,Li,S.Y.†, Luo JC, Lu XX. 2019. CO2partial pressure and CO2degassing in a main Daning Riverof the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China.Journal of Hydrology563,483-494.        

17.Mao R,LiSY.. 2019. Temporal controls ondissolved organic carbon biodegradation in subtropical rivers: initial chemicalcomposition versus stoichiometry.Science of the Total Environment 651,3064-3069.

18.Zhang J,Li, S.Y., Dong RZ, Jiang CS, Ni MF.2019. Influence of land use metrics at multi-spatial scaleson seasonal water quality:Acase study of river systemsin the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, ChinaJournal of Cleaner Production206,76-85.        

19.Li TY,Li, S.Y.,Liang C. 2019. The immediate effects ofdownslope cornstalk mulch (DCM) on sediment yield, runoff and runoff-associateddissolved carbon loss in a representative hillslope, Southwestern China.Catena175, 9-17.

20.Li TY,Li, S.Y.,LiangC, He BH, Bush RT. 2019. Erosion vulnerability of sandy clay loam soil insouthwest China: Modeling soil detachment capacity by flume simulation.Catena178, 90-99.

21.Ma YM,Huang ZH,Li, S.Y., Zhao CH. 2019. Surface-Enhanced RamanSpectroscopy on Self-Assembled Au Nanoparticles Arrays for pesticides residuesmultiplex detection under complex environment.Nanomaterials9, 426.        

22.Han X,Cheng XL,Li, S.Y., Yuan J, Zhang QF. 2019.Carbon concentrations and their stable isotopic signaturesin the upper Han River, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research26, 14116-14127.        

23.Ma YM,Li, S.Y.. 2019. NaYF4:Yb,Tm@TiO2 core@shell structures for optimalphotocatalytic degradation ofciprofloxacin in the aquatic environment.RSCAdvances9, 33519.

24.Li, S.Y.†, Bush RT, Santos IR, Zhang QF, Song KS,Mao R, Wen ZD, Lu XX. 2018. Large greenhouse gas emissions from China's lakesand reservoirs.Water Research147, 13-24.

25.Li, S.Y., Ni MF, Mao R, Bush RT. 2018.RiverineCO2supersaturation and outgassing in a typical monsoonalmountainous area (Three Gorges Reservoir Region) of China.Journalof Hydrology558,460-469.        

26.Mao R,Li, S.Y.. 2018. Temperature sensitivity of biodegradable dissolved organiccarbon increases with elevating humification degree in subtropical rivers.Scienceof the Total Environment635, 1367-1371.

27.Li, S.Y.†.2018. CO2oversaturation and degassing using chambers and a new gas transfervelocity model from the Three Gorges Reservoir surfaceScience of theTotal Environment640-641, 908-920.         

28.Li TY,Li, S.Y., Liang C,Bush RT. Xiong LH, Jiang YJ. 2018. A comparative assessment of water quality inthe Lower Lakes (Alexandrina and Albert, Australia) during extreme drought andpost-drought periods using multivariate statistical techniques.Journal of Cleaner Production190, 1-11.

29.Li TY,Li, S.Y., Bush RT, Liang C. 2018. Extreme drought decouples silicon andcarbon geochemical linkages in lakesScience of the Total Environment634, 1184-1191.

30.Jia ZM,Li, S.Y., Wang L. 2018. Assessment of soil heavymetals for eco-environment and human health in a rapidly urbanization area ofthe upper Yangtze Basin.Scientific Reports8, 3256

31.Zhang J,Li, S.Y., Dong RZ, Jiang CS. 2018.Physical evolution of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Holoceneusing advanced SVM on Landsat images and SRTM DEM data.Environ SciPollut Res25, 14911-14918.        

32.Li, S.Y., Jia ZM. 2018.Heavy metals in soils from a representative rapidlydeveloping megacity (SW China): Levels, source identification and apportionment.Catena163, 414-423.        

33.Ni MF, MaoR, Jia ZM, Dong RZ,Li, S.Y.†. 2018. Heavy metals in soils of Hechuan County in the upperYangtze (SW China): comparative pollution assessment using multiple indiceswith high-spatial-resolution sampling.Ecotoxicology and EnvironmentalSafety148, 644-651.

34.Ma QM,Xiong LH, Li Y,Li, S.Y, Xu C-Y, 2018.Partitioningmulti-source uncertainties in simulating nitrogen loading in stream water usinga coherent, stochastic framework: Application to a rice agricultural watershedin subtropical China.Science of the Total Environment618,1298-1313.        

35.Dong RZ,Jia ZM,Li, S.Y,.2018. Risk assessment and sources identification of soilheavy metals in a typical county of Chongqing Municipality, Southwest China.Process Safety and Environmental Protection113, 275-281.        

36.Ma YM, NiMF,Li, S.Y,2018. Optimization of malachitegreen removal from water by TiO2nanoparticles under UV irradiation.Nanomaterials8, 428.        

37.Li SY,†, Ye C, Zhang QF. 2017.11-yearchangein water chemistry of large freshwater Reservoir Danjiangkou, China.Journalof Hydrology551, 508-517.         

38.Ma YM, JiaZM,Li, S.Y.†. 2017. Risk assessment ofheavy metals in soil of Tongnan district (Southwest China): evidence frommultiple indices with high-spatial-resolution sampling.Environ SciPollut Res24, 20282–20290.

39.Mao R,Zhang XH,Li, S.Y, Song CC. 2017. Long-term phosphorus addition enhancesthe biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in a nitrogen-limitedtemperate freshwater wetland.Science ofthe Total Environment605-606, 332-337.

40.Yuan J,Li,S.Y,Han X, Chen, Q, Chen X,Zhang QF.2017. Characterization and source identification of nitrogenin a riverine systemof monsoon-climate region, China.Science of the TotalEnvironment592, 608-615.        

41.Mao, R.,Li, S.Y., Zhang, X.H., Wang X.W, Song, C.C., 2017.Effect of long-term phosphorus addition on the quantity andquality of dissolved organic carbon in a freshwater wetland of Northeast China.Science of the Total Environment586, 1032-1037.        

42.Memet Varol,Li, S.Y., 2017.Biotic and Abiotic Controls on CO2partial pressure and CO2emission in the Tigris River, Turkey.Chemical Geology449, 182-193.        

43. Li, S.Y., Bush, R.T., Mao R, Xiong LH,Ye C.2017. Extremedrought causes distinct water acidification and eutrophication in the LowerLakes, Australia.Journal of Hydrology544, 133-146.         

44.Mao, R.,Chen, H.M.,Li, S.Y.2017.Phosphorus availability as a primary control of dissolvedorganic carbon biodegradation in the tributaries of the Yangtze River in theThree Gorge Reservoir Region.Science of theTotal Environment574, 1472-1476.        

45.Deemer,B.R., Harrison, J.A.,Li, S.Y.,Beaulieu, J.J., DelSontro, T., Barros,N., Neto, J.F.B., Powers, S.M., dos Santos, M.A., Vonk, J.A.,2016.Greenhouse Gas Emissions FromReservoirs: A New Global Synthesis.Bioscience66, 949-964.(高被引论文、热点论文)        

46. Li, S.Y.,Bush, R.T.,Ward, N.J., Sullivan, L.A., Dong, F.Y.,2016.Air-water CO2outgassing in the Lower Lakes (Alexandrina and Albert, Australia) following a millennium drought.Science of the Total Environment542, 453-468.        

47.Li, S.Y.,Bush, R.T., 2015. Changing fluxes of carbonand other solutes from the Mekong River.Scientific Reports 5, 16005DOI: 10.1038/srep16005         

48. Li, S.Y.,Bush, R.T.,2015. Rising flux of nutrients (C, N, P and Si) in the lower Mekong River. Journal of Hydrology530, 447-461.        

49. Li, S.Y.,Bush, R.T., 2015. Revisionof methane and carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters in India.GlobalChange Biology21,6-8.         

50. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q.F., Bush, R.T., Sullivan L. 2015.Methane and CO2emissionsfrom China's hydroelectric reservoirs: a new quantitative synthesis.Environmental Science andPollution Research22, 5325-5339.         

51. Ye, C.,Li, S.Y., Yang, Y., Shu,X., Zhang, J., Zhang, Q., 2015.AdvancingAnalysis of Spatio-Temporal Variations of Soil Nutrients in the Water LevelFluctuation Zone of China's Three Gorges Reservoir Using Self-Organizing Map.PLoS ONE10, e0121210.        

52. Tan, X., Xia X.,Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2015.Waterquality characteristics and integrated assessment based on multistepcorrelation analysis in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China.Journal of EnvironmentalInformatics25(1), 60-70.         

53. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2014.Partialpressure of CO2and CO2emission in a monsoon-driven hydroelectricreservoir (Danjiangkou Reservoir), China.Ecological Engineering71, 401–414.         

54. Lu, X.,Li, S.Y.,Kummu,M., Padawangi, R., Wang, J., 2014.Observedchanges in the water flow at Chiang Saen in the lower Mekong: Impacts ofChinese dams?Quaternary International336, 145-157.         

55.Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2014.Carbonemission from global hydroelectric reservoirs revisited.Environmental Science and Pollution Research21,13636-13641.         

56. Li, S.Y.,Lu,X.X., Bush, R.T., 2014. Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in the LowerMekong River.Science of the Total Environment472, 162–177.         

57. Li, S.Y.,Lu, X.X., Richard, B.T., 2013. CO2partial pressure and CO2emission in the Lower Mekong River.Journalof Hydrology504, 40-56.         

58. Li, S.Y.,Xia, X., Tan, X., Zhang, Q., 2013. Effects of catchment and riparian landscapesetting on water chemistry and seasonal evolution of water quality in the UpperHan River Basin, China.PLoS ONE8, e53163, 1-14(高被引论文).         

59. Ye, C.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang,Y., Tong, X., Zhang, Q., 2013Assessing heavy metal pollution in the water level fluctuation zone of China'sThree Gorges Reservoir using geochemical and soil microbial approaches.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment185, 231-240.         

60. Li, S.Y.,2012. China's huge investment on waterfacilities: an effective adaptation to climate change, natural disasters, andfood security.Natural Hazards61, 1473-1475.         

61.Li,S.Y.,Lu,X.X., He, M., Zhou, Y., Ziegler, A.D., 2012. Daily CO2partialpressureand CO2outgassing in the upper Yangtze River: a case study of Longchuanjiang, China.Journalof Hydrology466-467,141-150.         

62. Li, S.Y.,Lu, X.X., 2012. Uncertaintiesof carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs.Natural Hazards62, 1343-1345.         

63. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., 2012. Interactionof landscape setting and stream flow seasonality on nitrogen concentrations ina subtropical river, China.ActaOecologica44, 38-45.         

64. Liu, W.,Li, S.Y.,Bu,H., Zhang, Q., Liu, G., 2012. Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: theinfluence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors.Environ Sci Pollut Res.19, 858-870.         

65. Lu, X.X.,Li, S.Y.,He, M., Zhou, Y., Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D.,2012. Organic carbon fluxes from the upper Yangtze basin: An example of theLongchuanjiang, China.Hydrological Processes26, 1604-1606.         

66. Li, SY.,Li, J., Zhang, Q., 2011. Water qualityassessment in the rivers along the water conveyance system of the Middle Routeof the South to North Water Transfer Project (China) using multivariatestatistical techniques and receptor modeling.Journal of HazardousMaterials195, 306-317.         

67. Lu, X.X., Yang, X.,Li,S.Y.,2011. Dam not sole cause of Chinese drought.Nature475, 174.        

68. Li, S.Y.,Lu, X.X., 2011. Greenhouse Gas Emissionsfrom Reservoirs Could Double Within 40 Years.Science(E-letter;28 June 2011), www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6013/50/reply.         

69. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2011. Response ofdissolved trace metals to land use/land cover and their source apportionmentusing a receptor model in a subtropic river, China.Journal of HazardousMaterials190, 205-213.         

70. Ye, C.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang,Y., Zhang, Q., 2011. Assessing soil heavy metal pollution in thewater-level-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Journalof Hazardous Materials191, 366-372(高被引论文).        

71. Lu, X.X.,Li, S.Y.,He, M., Zhou, Y., Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D.,2011. Seasonal changes of nutrient fluxes in the Upper Changjiang basin: Anexample of the Longchuanjiang River, China.Journal of Hydrology405, 344-351.         

72. Li, S.Y.,Lu, X.X., He, M., Zhou, Y.,Bei, R., Ziegler, A.D., 2011. Major elementchemistryin the Upper Yangtze River: A case study of the Longchuanjiang River.Geomorphology129, 29-42.         

73. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Major ionchemistry and weathering processes of the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China.HydrologicalSciences Journal55, 1385-1395.         

74. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Riskassessment and seasonal variations of dissolved trace elements and heavy metalsin the Upper Han River, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials181,1051-1058(高被引论文).        

75.Li, S.Y., Zhang, Q., 2010. Spatialcharacterization of dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the upper Han River(China) using multivariate statistical techniques.Journal of HazardousMaterials176, 579-588.         

76. Bu, H., Tan. X.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in theJinshui River, China.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety73:907-913.        

77. Bu, H., Tan, X.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Water quality assessment of the Jinshui River (China) usingmultivariate statistical techniques.EnvironmentalEarth Sciences60, 1631-1639.         

78. Liu, W., Liu, G.,Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q., 2010. Phosphorus retention capacity of wetland soils from asubtropical reservoir in response to water level fluctuations.Marine andFreshwater Research61, 507-512.        

79. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q.,2009. Geochemistry of the upperHan River basin, China. 2: Seasonal variations in major ion compositions andcontribution of precipitation chemistry to the dissolved load.Journal ofHazardous Materials170, 605-611.         

80. Li, S.Y.,Xu, Z., Wang, H., Wang, J.,Zhang, Q., 2009. Geochemistry of the upper Han River basin, China. 3:Anthropogenic inputs and chemical weathering to the dissolved load.ChemicalGeology264, 89-95.         

81. Li, S.Y.,Gu, S., Tan, X., Zhang, Q., 2009. Waterquality in the upper Han River basin, China: the impacts of land use/land coverin riparian buffer zone.Journal of Hazardous Materials165,317-324.

82. Li, S.Y.,Liu, W., Gu, S., Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Zhang,Q., 2009. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrients in the upper Han River basin,China.Journal of Hazardous Materials162, 1340-1346.         

83. Li, S.Y.,Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Zhang, Q., 2009.Spatial and temporal patterns of the water quality in the DanjiangkouReservoir, China.Hydrological Sciences Journal54, 124-134.

84. Zhang, Q., Xu, Z., Shen, Z.,Li, S.Y.,Wang, S., 2009. The Han River Watershed Management Initiative for theSouth-to-North Water Transfer Project (Middle Route) of China.EnvironmentalMonitoring and Assessment148, 369-377.

85. Li, S.Y.,Gu, S., Liu, W., Han, H., Zhang, Q., 2008. Water quality inrelation to the land use and land cover in the Upper Han River basin, China.Catena75, 216-222.

86. Li, S.Y.,Zhang, Q.,2008. Geochemistry of the upper Han Riverbasin, China, 1: Spatial distribution of major ion compositions and theircontrolling factors.Applied Geochemistry23, 3535-3544.         

87. Li, S.Y.,Xu, Z., Cheng, X., Zhang, Q., 2008.Dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China.EnvironmentalGeology55, 977-983.



易子涵,李思悦†,唐薇,李玉英.2020.三峡库区不同城镇化梯度下河流pCO2动态及驱动因素研究.湖泊科学, 32(4): 1020-1028.


罗佳辰,倪茂飞,李思悦†. 2019.重庆西部山区典型湖泊水-气界面CO2交换通量及其影响因素.环境科学40, 1, 194-201.         

罗佳辰,李思悦†. 2018.三峡库区典型河流水-气界面CO2通量日变化观测及其影响因素分析.环境科学39, 11, 5217-5226.         

罗佳辰,毛瑢,李思悦†. 2018.三峡库区主要河流秋季pCO2及其影响因素.环境科学39,7, 3134-3141.         

王婧,袁洁,谭香,李思悦,张全发. 2015.汉江上游金水河悬浮物及水体碳氮稳定同位素组成特征.生态学报35(22),1-10.         

叶琛,李思悦,张全发.2011.三峡库区消落区表层土壤重金属污染评价及源解析.中国生态农业学报19(1), 1-4.

叶琛,李思悦,卜红梅,陈晰,张全发.2010.三峡水库消落区蓄水前土壤重金属含量及生态危害评价.土壤学报47(6), 1264-1269.

李思悦,刘文治,顾胜,张全发. 2009.南水北调中线水源地汉江上游流域主要生态环境问题及对策.长江流域资源与环境18(2), 264-270.

顾胜,李思悦,张全发.汉江堵河流域地表水质时空变化特征研究.长江流域资源与环境2009, 18(1), 42-47.

刘文治,李思悦,张全发. 2009.丹江口库区湿地生态系统的现状分析及研究展望.环境科学与管理34(12), 122-126.

李思悦,程晓莉,顾胜,李佳,张全发. 2008.南水北调中线水源地丹江口水库水化学特征研究.环境科学29(8), 2111-2116.

李思悦,谭香,徐志方,张全发. 2008.湖北丹江口水库主要离子化学季节变化及离子来源分析.环境科学29(12), 3353-3359.

李思悦,张全发. 2008.运用水质指数法评价南水北调中线水源地丹江口水库水质.环境科学研究21(3), 61-68. (该刊年度优秀论文)

李思悦,张全发.南水北调中线丹江口库区主要生态环境问题及植被恢复. 2008.中国农村水利水电(3), 1-4.

李佳,李思悦,谭香,张全发.2008.南水北调中线工程总干渠沿线经过河流水质评价.长江流域资源与环境17, 693-698.


Asia Oceania GeosciencesSociety(AOGS)2012-         

中国生态学会Ecological Society of China2009-         

European Geosciences Union(EGU) 2012-         



Asia-Pacific Science Center Pte. Ltd. ResearchAdvisor (2020-2011)



CurrentChinese Environmental Science(BenthamScience)(创刊主编,Editor in Chief)(2019年10月-)

Water(Editor) (2020年9月-)

GeographyJournal (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2013-2016)

HydroScience & Marine Engineering(2019年4月-)


Nature Climate Change, Chemosphere, Journal of Hydrology, Catena, WaterResearch, Global Change Biology, Science of the Total Environment, Journal ofMarine System, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Environmental Monitoring andAssessment, Quaternary International, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies,Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, AppliedWater Science, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Desalination andWater treatment, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Frontiers of EarthScience, International Journal of Ecology,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,Scientific Reports, Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Water,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental and Ecological Statistics,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Environment ProtectionEngineering, Aquatic Botany, Journal of Environmental Science, Anais daAcademia Brasileira de Ciências, Environmental Earth Science, InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Ecological Engineering,JGR, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,Environmental Research Letters, Biogeosciences, Environmental Research, AsiaPacific Viewpoint, Science Bulletin,湖泊科学、环境科学、地球科学进展、ACSEarth and Space Chemistry         

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